Frequently Asked Questions
Why do I need a Notary Public?
Notary Publics deter fraud and ensures that the signer knows what document they are signing. Additionally, the notary establishes that the signer is a willing and competent participant in the transaction. Notarized documents are presumed by law to be valid, and they are signed by the individual(s) identified in the document in the presence of a notary.
Why does a document need to be notarized?
The central value of notarization lies in the Notary’s impartial screening of a signer for identity, willingness and awareness. This screening detects and deters document fraud, and helps protect the personal rights and property of private citizens from forgers, identity thieves and exploiters of the vulnerable.
What are acceptable forms of identification?
Government-issued ID will almost always be required every time you go to the office of a notary. They will need to verify that you are whom you say you are. Most people use their driver’s license or passport, but other government identification will work as long as it includes a picture of you, your name, the issuing authority, and a description of your person.
Should I sign the document prior to our meeting?
No, the notary must see you sign the document(s).
Do you have an office that I can visit to conduct business with your company?
We provide a 100% mobile notary service and will travel to you for your convenience. Our company is based in Prairieville, Louisiana and we are credentialed to travel within the entire state of Louisiana to conduct business with our clients. Our service is strictly mobile and by appointment only.
Can you notarize a document if the person is not present?
In both administrative cases, the Court cited Section 2(b), Rule IV of the Rules on Notarial Practice of 2004, which states that a person shall not perform a notarial act if the person involved as signatory to the instrument or document is not in the notary's presence personally at the time of the notarization; and is not personally known to the notary public or otherwise identified by the notary public through competent evidence of identity as defined by the Notarial Rules.
Can I bring a photocopy of a document to be certified if I don’t have the original?
Unfortunately, no. When the notary certifies a copy of a document it means that the notary saw the original and compared it with the photocopy; thereby the notary is able to certify the copy as a true copy of the original.

11 Years of Accumulated Practice
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To speak with our Commissioned Professional, please contact us at 225.266.1077 to discuss services that best fits your specific notary needs and to receive a price quote!
Thank you for doing business with Visions Preferred Notary Signing Service, LLc, and we look forward to hearing from you!